The 5 Things You Should Know About Investing
It’s official: one of the few places in this world that are millennial free is the stock market. A lack of funds and a lack of understanding…
Ask an Accountant – For the Children
The last few days we’ve had a theme: educating your children about their finances. The holidays are a perfect time of year to teach children about…
Financial Planning: Debunked!
Anybody who has thought about or spoken with a financial planner has probably wondered if the process was right for them. The first thing you need…
The KBH Commandments to the Money Bible.
1. Begin with a budget: you must always have a budget regardless of how much money you have. If you are blind to where your money is…
The CRA’s New Education Program for Charities
Last week the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) issued a new education program for charities (Charities Education Program). In theory this program sounds like a good idea,…
Is there such thing as “creative ways of saving money”?
Many of us are good with saving money while many of us are terrible with savings, budgeting, being frugal, etc. Half of us don’t even know…
Fraud Peak Season
Anyone with a credit card should always be hyper-vigilante for fraudulent activity on their accounts. However, that’s not the only type of fraud we have to…