Enhancing EI, Extending CERB
On August 20, 2020, the federal government announced that it will extend the CERB by an additional four weeks and simplify the EI program to help…

A CRA Status Update
CRA has provided an update on their progression from “critical services” mode to a business continuity plan and finally a business resumption plan which started on…

Navigating Your Business as it Reopens
COVID-19 has forced hundreds, if not thousands, of business owners to reimagine their business plans. Whether that meant closing their doors, trying to apply for the…

Extended CEWS
(Updated 09.24.2020) The CEWS was put in place for an initial 12-week period from March 15 to June 6, 2020, providing a 75% wage subsidy, and…

Small & Medium Enterprise Relaunch Grant
The Small and Medium Enterprise Relaunch Grant offers financial assistance to Alberta businesses, co-ops, and non-profit organizations that were ordered to close or curtail operations, and…

A Guide to Hiring & Lay-offs Under CEWS
Employers need to be careful about the timing of re-hiring or laying off employees as they may not be eligible to claim the CEWS if not…

Relief for Canadians with Disabilities
The Government of Canada has announced additional relief for Canadians with disabilities, who will automatically receive a one-time, tax-free payment of up to $600 to help…