Cover All Bases in Your Will
When giving thought to all of the different considerations in an Estate Plan (Will, Enduring Power of Attorney & Personal Directive) there are some rather unique…

Basics of Estate Planning
The last six months have caused Canadians to think about their health and wealth, and to rethink what they have been doing thus far. As a…

What WILL You Be Remembered For?
Writing a will can be scary. It’s the idea of coming to terms with your own end. That day, when you will no longer be around. …

Let’s Talk Wills
Estate planning is a tricky topic for most people. It can be morbid and awkward but is often very illuminating. When we prepare wills for our…

So, You’re an Executor Now
What is an “executor”? An “executor” is a personal representative who is responsible for distributing the estate (property, assets, possessions) of an individual according to the…

Support After CERB
The newly announced, taxable, Canada Recovery Benefit will become effective from September 27, 2020, for one year and will provide a benefit amount of $400 per…

2020 T4 Reporting
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has recently announced that all employers in Canada must report certain employment payments related to COVID-19. With this, on each 2020…